
Hi, I’m Alissa.

I’m a wife, a retired SAHM (I love typing that because it makes me giggle), an author and some other things. I am creating this website with blogs and podcasts not because I am the most gifted, talented or knowledgeable about anything, but because I am willing to step out on faith with God. (I know, I just revealed that I believe in God and I know that makes some of you uncomfortable, but don’t stop reading just yet.) I’m focused on sharing hope, understanding and laughter because sometimes we need to be reminded that everything will be alright.  

  • I see the value in helping people get to destinations that they don’t know how to get to and don’t know exist. 

  • I see missing relationships, lost hope, giving up and unhappy people who don’t know why they are unhappy and hope to help shed some light on that for them.

  • I intend to bring genuine encouragement, relationship, perspective, and validation to people in life-size pieces because life happens in small pieces. 

Why the heartening?


the heartening means

  • having qualities which inspire hope

  • making one feel good inside

  • pointing toward a happy out come


Inspire Hope

Have you ever lost hope? Lost your ability to even dare to hope again? I have and it is a long and difficult journey to find hope again in life. I know that what I needed at that time was to hear that all was not lost, that all was not over, that the final score hadn’t been tallied. I needed to know that having hope in my desperate situation wasn’t the wrong perspective to have and that’s what I’ll tell you- have hope, sweet friend. Go ahead and believe in better.


Feel Good Inside

When life is full of uncertainty and stress, my inside feels significantly worse than my outside looks. I know how to make the outside look and feel good, but sometimes the inside feelings can be too much for me to comprehend, understand or even handle. I often need someone to help me feel good on the inside by giving me opportunities to laugh, to cry or to be irritated. I hope to provide those opportunities to you so that you can start to feel good on the inside.


Happy Out Come

Just knowing how the story will end is very comforting to me. Whether it’s a movie, a book or my own life, I like to know the ending, especially if the story line is scary or intense, and real life has some very intense scary moments. When I remember that everything I am seeing and dealing with will end at a resolution, that makes me happy and I am much more calm and focused. The resolution may not be the one I wanted, but it will be the ending of this chapter of my life’s story. Knowing it will all end happily gives me the confidence to endure.


More Thoughts

Sharing my WHY for creating this site.