A Debt Free Life

Debt comes in more forms other than just financial. Make sure you aren't carrying debt forward into your future.


Let’s Talk About Fat

Do you have something you use as a crutch? Is it something that you think communicates to others your state of well being? Well, so do I, and it's FAT! I discuss how I thought FAT would give me a voice or remove expectations and how that was bad thinking.


A Friend Like Me

I list out 10 aspects of the type of friend I am. When I read other bloggers' lists, I find that I am not the type of friend nor do I want the type of friend that others are or want. That's okay, we all have different strengths and needs. I want you to know what my strengths and needs are so you can define your own.


Obsessed with Being Stressed

Do you ever feel like all anyone talks about are their problems and how busy they are? I do too. But I’m not going to be stressed just to fit in with my friends. And I'm not going to obsess about how much I have on my "To Do" list.


Turning a Curse into a Blessing


The Pain of Healing

We all have past hurts and we all want to heal from those hurts, but how to we do that while still honoring our story?


Don’t Mislabel My Lack

Just because someone isn’t there, doesn’t mean I was abandoned.


A Little about Alissa