Christian Parenting is Based on Faith

Being a Christian parent means that I have faith in God. Not faith in my abilities. Not faith in my family, church, tribe, group, etc. Not faith in mankind. And certainly not faith in my children.

I am free from the bondage of worry, of being good enough, of doing the right thing, of having the right answer, and of knowing the path to take. I have one choice to make over and over and over have faith and let God and trust God.

I am so grateful that I don't have to build a wall around my children (it certainly wouldn't be strong or high enough), I don't have to have a list of do's and don't's (it certainly wouldn't be full or complete), and I don't have to follow a protocol or series of steps like in the OT temples (I certainly would miss one of those). I can simply let go of any control, have faith in God's Word, trust the nature of God and be vigilant in prayer asking God to keep refining me so that I can be more and more aligned to His will or process.

I also have peace knowing that while I am being attacked when I am standing in the gap of my children's faith, because I am not allowing my children to be stolen by the enemy, that God's promises are true and all of the suffering does bring joy. I am also able to extend that peace to my children when they realize my tears and emotions have nothing to do with their failures and have everything to do with the growth process I am going through to allow God to keep forming me into His image. It is hard letting go, but it is important to do it for my own walk with the Lord and is how I disciple my children by demonstrating that change and healing are possible and profitable with God. As they watch this process, they see there is nothing to fear about change, correction or healing. They see the constant results, understand the process and know they too can trust in the Lord.

Our one and only job as parents is to keep pointing our children to Jesus so that they build lasting relationships with Him that will produce fruit and fulfillment in the form of disciples and peace.


It’s the Little Things


Its Called Redemption, not Prevention for a Reason