It isn’t a Choice Between Faith or Fear

We spent the year of 2020 discussing fear of some sort. Fear of Covid. Fear of masks. Fear of death. Fear of loss of Freedom. I spent that year not in fear and not telling people to not fear. I spent the year being Fine in Faith.

Because I have faith, I don’t have fear. Faith and fear are opposites. Like North and South. Or up and down. Or left and right. You can’t be in both places or concepts at the same time. You can’t have all AND nothing at the same time. It is one or the other.

That’s how faith and fear work. If I have faith, I don’t have fear. Simple as that.

All the discussions about choosing faith over fear are illogical and biblically incorrect as explained in 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 and Matthew 6:24.

If we have the mind of Christ and discern things spiritually and have one master, Jesus Christ, then we have no reason or need to fear anything. We would know that nothing can harm us outside of the will of God.

I know that death has been defeated by Jesus Christ because He was resurrected (2 Timothy 1:10), so I don’t fear death.

I know that I have freedom in Christ (John 8:36), so I don’t fear losing American freedoms. ( on a side note, I appreciate the freedoms afforded to me by the United States of America and I am grateful for them, but they are not even close to equal to the freedom given to me through Jesus Christ)

I know that disease and sickness are not God’s plan for us and that Jesus Christ healed the sick, so I don’t fear disease. (Isaiah 53:5)

I know that all authority is given to Jesus Christ, so I don’t fear politicians or leaders. (Matthew 28:18)

Because I know all of these things, there is no choice to fear. I cannot be double-minded and be a disciple of Jesus Christ because I would be too unstable and confused to follow the narrow path. (James 1:8)

As we come to the close of 2021, understand that your choice for faith was already made when you accepted Christ. Don’t look at the happenings of the world and allow fear to uproot your faith, instead declare your faith in the face of fear. Speak the Word of God to all the plots and schemes of the world.

It isn’t Faith over Fear. It is Faith. Just Faith.


Just Breathe and

Trust God


Say Yes To Yourself


One Little Thing…