If Truth is Like Water, Your Life Should Be Built for Water

My life can appear struggle free depending on the perspective one has. I know my life has struggles, but others often perceive that I am doing nothing and have no clue how difficult life is for them. That’s a lie and a sad lie at that.

I believe in the Truth, meaning God’s Truth, meaning God is Truth. As a Christian, this fact is one of many facts that I have built my life on, like a foundation for the house that is my life. If I believe that God’s Truth flows like water into every crevice and area of my life, then it stands to reason I am going to create a life where flowing water works with my life.

But I see where others see the Truth as flowing water that they want to avoid and control and contain. They fabricate dams to hold back that Truth water and spend a great deal of time trying to plug cracks in their dams to prevent the Truth from wrecking the world they have created. This world is of course a fantasy that doesn’t exist in reality, but to the individual who created it, it is as real as you or me. And of course the dam is fake too, but to the person who is hurriedly trying to prevent a flood, that dam is what is keeping them alive. And they react like a drowning person most of the time- in a panic, kicking and screaming.

So if the Truth flows like water, why doesn’t everyone just build their life like Venice, Italy? Why doesn’t everyone just float on the water, going with the flow and not trying to remove the water?

I believe it is because people don’t know that the Truth is a good thing. They don’t know that the water is a good thing. They believe the Truth is going to harm them, much like a virus or plague. Why do they believe this? Most assuredly it is because of a lie.

They believe a lie that if they keep the Truth out of their lives, then they won’t be labeled a bad person. That the only thing separating them from being labeled a bad person is that floodwater known as Truth. So they try to keep the Truth as far way from themselves as possible. And this results in people constructing dams in their minds and fearing the Truth.

But if you embrace the Truth, your life will look like mine. Like a person floating on a raft, just going with the flow, not even worrying about paddling. A life spent in enjoyment instead of panic. A life spent being grateful instead of resentful.

I want to encourage you to think about how good your life would be if you just allowed the Truth to come in and flow through your life. How much energy and time would you have if you didn’t need to worry about keeping the Truth at bay? How content and loved would you feel if you could relax and just float all day? How many things could you do that would bring you joy if your time was spent embracing the Truth waters?

Come float with me. Come on in, the water’s fine.


Its Called Redemption, not Prevention for a Reason


Say Yes To Yourself