Living the Plan

It is so crazy how much can change in a decade. 11 years ago, I had finished one part of college and I was preparing for a new career, had 3 boys in 8th, 4th and 1st grades and lived in the Mid-South with no plans of moving.

My own life and the Bible have taught me that my plans are a frivolous waste of time and energy, but God's plans are perfect. Thankfully, 11 years ago I knew that lesson and fully attribute where I am now to understanding Whose plan I am following. Otherwise I would have held on way too tight to that career (or the next one or the next one), to that house (or the next one), to that location (or the next one) or to that dream (or the next one, or the next one, etc).

I enjoyed my life with school-aged children in the Mid-South juggling lots of balls- kids, career, marriage, home, church, friends, family, etc- but just because I enjoyed it, just because it was good, just because I was content, didn't mean it wasn't going to change because God had a plan for me.

So enjoy where you are today. Enjoy your house, your location, your career, your kids at these ages, your church, your friends, your routines, but learn to listen to God so when He says it is time to change, you are ready to change and can take that next step in His plan for you.

I'm not living my dream. I'm living the plan God has for my life- and it is way better than any dream I ever had!


The Gift of Boredom


Being Blessed