You Have to Give God Authorization

We need to quit praying and asking God to take or remove something from us. God isn't the one who gave you the bad thing that is keeping you from having freedom. You invited it in, gave it power and authority over you, let it make you a slave and now you want God to remove the bad thing and wonder why that doesn't happen.

It doesn't happen because you aren't giving God authority over it. You aren't giving yourself authority over it. God IS Greater than anything- that's a fact! If you don't believe it, then don't expect to see it in action. If you don't believe in miracles, then don't complain when you don't see them manifest in your life.

The Bible says that all things work together for good for them that love God (Romans 8:28). So if God can make everything good for you in your life, then when you see that good isn't happening, why are you questioning God's power or ability instead of questioning your love for God?

I see people who love God in all areas, but 1 or 2. They let God work in most areas of their lives, but not all. Maybe they don't believe God can heal all illnesses: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual. Maybe they don't believe God can restore what has been broken beyond repair. Maybe they don't believe that God can take care of them financially. Or maybe they don't believe God can heal their addictions and remove their coping mechanisms so they can live freely.

It isn't a lack of faith in God, but more a lack of trust in God. Really let go. Let go of your past and stop shaming yourself. Let go of the record of wrongs that someone did to you. Let go of your security, your thing "you can't live without", let go of the relationships you fear losing, and go find your deepest, darkest fears, bring them out into the open, and let them go. (I often think of Ghostbusters when they shut down the containment unit and all the ghosts and ghouls took over NYC) Don't be more afraid of all of the scary fears, instead trust in God to keep you safe. God IS bigger and more powerful (by a whole lot) than any scary thing you can conjure up in your mind.

If you aren't willing to strip down naked and walk into that angry, stormy, shark infested sea with nothing but your utmost faith and trust in God, then pray that God gives you the strength and courage to be able to do it. As long as there is anything that has the power to scare you and paralyze you with fear, then you are not free in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


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